Looking to replace siding?

The siding on your home sustained damage. It could have been from a hail storm, caused by a falling branch, or happened by the actions of wildlife or humans. No matter what caused the damage, it’s imperative you get it repaired as soon as possible.


Why Is It Important to Replace Siding when it is damaged?

Your home’s siding helps keep your home’s structure safe from rain, snow, wind, and ice. When the main protection layer on your home’s exterior sustains damage it can cause a multitude of problems.

Penetrating moisture can destroy the insulation in your walls, cause mold growth on your interior walls, and soak your wall studs. Wet wall studs tend to attract pests like termites and carpenter ants.

Damaged siding can also let air in. Cold winter winds can penetrate through the damage and cause the house to be colder than normal. This means higher energy bills, additional wear on your heating system, and uncomfortable air drafts.


Replace siding: Full vs Partial Siding Replacement

Many times, damage to siding is isolated to one or two sections of the house. If you are making an insurance claim to cover the damage, you will find the insurance company is going to pay to replace the siding in the damaged area and nothing else.

This might not be a problem if your siding is a few years old and replacement product can be found. What if your siding color or style is no longer available? In most cases, the insurance policy will cover the cost of similar materials to get as close a match as possible. In almost all cases, however, they will not cover the cost of replacing siding of the entire house just to get a uniform look.

So, do you replace just the section of damaged siding or do you replace it all? This depends on you and your budget.

Replacing the siding of the entire house is actually a good idea. It keeps the uniformity of your home’s look plus you get an upgrade to your aged siding. It’s a good opportunity to upgrade your wall insulation and wrap at the same time.

Of course, the budget may not allow for the full replacement. An experienced siding contractor can help you form a workable solution.

Contact Pro Roofing & Siding today. We are happy to work with you and your insurance company to come up with a solution to your siding damage. 

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